Sunday, December 27, 2009

Christmas season

It has been an interesting couple of months. I have been very busy. After my father passed my school insisted that I take 2 weeks off and that I would not have to make up the classes. Shortly after me taking 2 weeks off, someone above the person who made the initial motion of kindness reneged on that and I have been forced to make up two weeks worth of classes in spare odd moments of my life. I have been at school (or in transit to school) for 16 hours a day, 5 days a week for almost a full month now. I am exhausted. I got ill last week and began coughing up blood. It was strange- one day I was fine; The next day I had a runny nose; The following day I was coughing up blood; without medical attention I had stopped coughing but had a really sore throat the next day. I went to the doctor despite the lack of a cough of course and I just had strep (I think that is what the doctor was trying to tell me, my friend I took as a translator said "your throat is sick but your lungs are very healthy"). I am much better now though.
I had to work the morning of Christmas eve but I insisted on having the night and Christmas day off. We therefore threw a party. I invited a lot of people and had 8 or 9 definite yes's...until Christmas eve of course. I ended up with 3 guests total but it was maybe better that way. We did a white elephant gift exchange and had some good conversation. We then headed out to what we thought would be a good Christmas party in downtown Hangzhou. It was held at a big international business center and we were under the impression that it would be a nice indoor party. It was, in fact, an outdoor party in 40 degree weather where we were more likely to be pickpocketed than have a good time. We were expecting more foreigners (locals are fine, but I have more in common with a middle aged German woman with the locals most of the time so it makes conversation hard) but there were 3 or 4 foreigners and 500 or so locals crammed into a small plaza outside. We left and went to a bar, had a really bad, really expensive bottle of wine and called it a night.
I worked my part time job last night (the day after Christmas) and to my surprise, I recieved a dozen presents from my students. I really enjoy that class. I have another job opportunity which I would recieve double my present pay but it would cut out my ability to teach this Saturday class. I am considering it, but my pay is sufficient to live off of currently and I don't feel like I need more money to live here, it is just that I need much more money to create a nest egg to take back home with me.
I am tired, but I only have 2 more 16 hour days and then I go back to my regular teaching 3 10 hour das a week and 4 days off. That is an acceptable work schedule!