Saturday, August 29, 2009

Minor Irritations and Major Reliefs

I sold my Jeep on Wednesday and my passport with a visa came in today. My passport is a one time entry work visa valid for three months. I need to get a residency permit once I am in China and my school should handle the re-issuance of my visa.

The irritation is that I ordered glasses which the factory ruined. The store is willing to give me a free crappy pair of glasses which will work if they don't have the glasses in by tomorrow (they are closed Sunday) but it creates the problem of I may need to have my mother ship a pair to me in China.

Overall though, I have everything major lined upand ready to go for Monday. I shouldn't have any problems leaving the country, you can rest easliy knowing that you won't have to put up with me anymore!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Things Falling Into Place

I have a couple of serious buyers for my Jeep. Nothing great, but better than I expected if I took it to Carmax or something. My to do list which at one point consisted of about 20-30 things is down to about five, two of which (cancel cell phone and cancel car insurance) I cannot do until after I sell my car. The other three are tasks which just need to get done for my mother. My visa paperwork is sitting in Houston about to be delivered at the crack of dawn tomorrow morning. I should have my paperwork back well before I need to leave Monday morning 4am. I am meeting 3 potential buyers for my Jeep tomorrow and I think I'll easily have it sold off. Almost done, almost done.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Visa and Jury Summons

I finally recieved my visa paperwork in the mail today. I will have it in the mail first thing tomorrow and I should have the visa back by Thursday.

The real fun part is that I have been summoned for jury duty three weeks into September. Something makes me think that I will have difficulty attending. I have no official government paperwork (in English) stating that I will be in China and they want official government paperwork to prove that I will not be in the US. I hope that some photocopies of Chinese script will be effective in convincing the government to exempt me!

Other than that everything is well. I am just counting the days.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

The Countdown-8

My first blog post and 8 days until plane to China. I am having slight issues getting my visa (the paperwork should have already been here by now and it is not) but other than that everything appears to be going smoothly. I have everything I can forsee needing for the first two weeks (with the exception of a clothes iron and some food).
I am doing some final rennovations and cleanup around my parents' house. I was hoing to finish the structural part of my mother's pond but my mom was going to home depot for plants and I asked her to get cement. My mom bought me concrete when I told her to get cement...big difference.
Oh, well, I need to go and work on other things!